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Cricket Player's Wedding Cake TopperCricket Player's Wedding Cake Topper

G'day mate! What a ripper wedding cake topper this one is, truly a "beaut".....The groom is wearing his cricket uniform, and is holding his cricket bat in hand........He even has his cooler of brew at hand, ready to chug a cold one in celebration of his special day!

Here's what the bride thought of this special wedding cake topper....


Hi Hunter I've attached a photo of the cake with the topper, probably won't be a very good photo as I just took it from one of my friend's facebook album. I think the topper had more photos than me and Murray on facebook! Murray loved the topper! And so did everyone else! One of the questions were 'did you know what your dress was going to look like before this was made' coz it had a very striking resemblance to my actual wedding dress! Thanks again for a fabulous job! All the best Geraldine




There's no need to go batty looking for that special personalized wedding cake topper.....Simply give us a "swing" by calling toll free,



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email your inquiry/order....magicmud@magicmud.com

Toll free 1 800 231-9814  or  416-964-7229 or 416 993-2977

All artwork © 2014 Magic Mud/Hunter Vaughan

 Reproductions of images and/or finished product is prohibited

©2013 Hunter Vaughan, All Rights Reserved. No images on this site may be used, in any form, without the consent of the artist.