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Bride in Lengha Saree, Groom in Kurta Wedding Cake Topper

 Bride in Lengha Saree, Groom in Kurta Wedding Cake Topper

What an international pair we have here...the bride is resplendent in her wedding sari...and she is holding a Brazilian flag as that is where she is now living....

This handsome groom is wearing an embroidered sherwani, also know as a kurta..... and no surprise that this hi tech gentleman is checking his blackberry...and paying tribute to his country of origin by flying an Indian flag...

Yes the groom has those great .khussa shoes, or sherwani shoes on,..and he better keep them on ...shoe-stealing – is a custom in India where brides sisters steal grooms shoes and demand money to return them back. And the grooms friends and cousins try to hide the same to prevent shoes getting in girls hands.

What a relief to an Indian couple searching for a wedding cake topper that can reflect their heritage....handmade to their specifications....you can call and design your own topper at 1 800 231 9814

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email your inquiry/order....magicmud@magicmud.com

Toll free 1 800 231-9814  or  416-964-7229 or 416 993-2977

All artwork © 2014 Magic Mud/Hunter Vaughan

 Reproductions of images and/or finished product is prohibited

©2013 Hunter Vaughan, All Rights Reserved. No images on this site may be used, in any form, without the consent of the artist.