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Order/inquiries - contact us at magicmud@magicmud.com or call 1 800 231 9814

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                                  Professions "Les Grande"

These are perfect gifts for your office staff or convention people available at this price only in minimum orders of 20 figurines and up.

                                                                For single figurines, please visit Custom-Made Figurine Gift Gallery


We personalize your figurines at NO EXTRA CHARGE with your name, gender, hair color, moustache, beard, glasses or King/Queen crown.   Any title or slogan on books and bases can be changed and personalized.

All our figurines come in  "Les Petites" size and "Les Grande" size

Under Construction, more pictures coming.

Accountant  Actor/Actress  Architect  Artist  Attorney

 Banker  Boss  Broker  CEO  Chef  Computer Tech  Consultant  Dealmaker

 Developer  Electrician  Entrepreneur  Engineer  E-Commerce   Fashion Diva/Guru  Financial Advice

Financial Wizard  Financial Diva  Fireman  Hair Stylist  Handyman  Headhunter  Jeweler  Judge  Litigator  Lawyer  Lawyers Advice  Mailman  Manicurist   Movie Director  Palm Pilot   Plumber  Policeman  Photographer  Pilot  Salesman 

Scientist  Secretary  Super Secretary  Realtor  Teacher  The Expert   Working Mom Any Other Profession


           Accountant         Actor/Actress              Architect
               Artist            Attorney               Banker



 "On top of things at the Office"

              Broker                  CEO
               Chef         Computer Tech            Consultant
            Dealmaker            Developer              Electrician



       "Born Capatalist"

           Engineer             E-Commerce
     Fashion Diva/Guru         Financial Advice         Financial Wizard
         Financial Diva              Fireman             Hair Stylist
          Handyman            Headhunter






  "Let me Settle on your Behalf"



          "Super Lawyer"



         Lawyers Advice

         "Legal Hotline"

              Mailman              Manicurist
         Movie Director             Palm Pilot               Plumber
           Policeman           Photographer                  Pilot



"The Art of Closing a Sale"

             Scientist              Secretary
        Super Secretary              Realtor               Teacher
           The Expert           Working Mom Any professions model can be created, just click here magicmud@magicmud.com to order the professions model of your choice.

Any other profession

"          be on the job"



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email your inquiry/order....magicmud@magicmud.com

Toll free 1 800 231-9814  or  416-964-7229 or 416 993-2977

All artwork © 2014 Magic Mud/Hunter Vaughan

 Reproductions of images and/or finished product is prohibited

©2013 Hunter Vaughan, All Rights Reserved. No images on this site may be used, in any form, without the consent of the artist.